
Cleaning Crud High and Low

Our cleanups remove trash from the beaches, lakes, estuaries, and even under the ocean surface ...but more importantly, cleanups allow kids to fall in love with these locations, creating ocean warriors forever! We strive to make each cleanup a unique and fun experience where we not only clean the entire beach (as only a group of energetic kids can) but we create an ocean experience the kids will never forget, with the goal of showing the kids why it is so important to remove and reduce trash in the ocean. Kids leave our cleanups loving the ocean and wanting to do everything they can to save it!

Interested in organizing your own MicroActivist Beach Cleanup Day?  

We have tips, planning checklists, and materials that will help you achieve a day that both cleans the beach and creates unforgettable memories for young ocean lovers.

We also help organize corporate and private cleanups as they are second to none for team building, brand visibility, company family events, and showing good corporate citizenship.

Enter your email below for instant access to…. How to Organize a Successful Beach Cleanup!